Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Alberta's Provincial Elections.

Who are the political parties involved and what are their platforms?

There are 9 parties involved in this election, there are 76/87 candidates running for Wildrose Party. Their leader is Brian Jean, Wildrose is a conservative provincial political party in Alberta, the wild rose is Alberta's provincial flower.They don't believe in taxes, they wanna end corporate welfare, so no one pays taxes anymore.

Progressive Conservatives, there are 87/87 candidates 
running for them. Their leader is Jim Prentice, their platform is have low taxes plan to protect and create jobs for everyone, to eliminate the deficit by the 2014 to 2015 fiscal year cutting transfer payments to individuals or to the province and to keep Canada's streets and neighborhoods safe.


Liberals, there are 15/87 candidates running for them. Their leader is David Swann, their platform is more ESL founding and services, he thinks that new people coming from another country need to speak the language and with this they are going to have that opportunity of learn English, Foreign credentials, faster pathways for citizens and job skill training, career development, this will help Canadians to receive education and work experience.


New Democratic, there are 87/ 87 candidates  running  for them. Their leader is Rachel Notley, their platform is to create more health care for everyone, job creation, renewable energy and investments in infrastructure.

Alberta Party, there are 36/87 candidates running for them. Their leader is Greg Clark, their platform is to have a better and stronger healthcare, better education, better jobs that will make easier to start and grow business, provide stable and predictable founding for municipalities and social services.

Green Party, there are 24/87 candidates running for them.Their leader is Janet Keeping, their platform is to have ecological wisdom, non violence, participatory democrats, respect for diversity, for example, racial, linguistic, ethnic, sexual, religious and spiritual. Social justice and sustainability.

Social Credits, there are 6/87 candidates running for them. Their leader is  Len Skowronski, their platform is to establish responsible and effective democratic government in Alberta, to oppose any attempt to spread or implant the seeds of racial discrimination, class hatred or religious intolerance in Alberta, to obtain the economy security of resources in Alberta, to secure freedom from oppressive and taxation,  to advance and promote the attainment of a humanitarian society within the framework of a realistic and responsible free economy.

Communist Party, there are 2 candidates running for them. Their leader is Naomi Rankin, their platform is to create jobs, raise wages and income, progressive tax reform, invest in quality public services, like for example, health, education, childcare, sports, culture and recreation. A new financial deal for citizens, enhance food security, public ownership and democratic control of energy, settlement of aboriginal land claims, equality rights for all and straighten labor and democratic rights

Alberta First Party, they only have one candidate running for them. Their leader is Bart Hampton, their platform is to protect the services we need  by  reducing our dependence on oil and gas royalties, build schools protect our teachers and reduce class size, investment in health care to improve service and reduce cost, strengthen energy industry through environment leadership, eliminate child poverty in Alberta.

What is the Alberta Legislature

A member of the legislative assembly is where people from another parties and the government gather together in this building so they can make decisions about Alberta. This building is located in Edmonton, Alberta. The  Alberta Legislature Assembly consist in 87 members. To be a member of the Legislature Assembly, you must have to be a Canadian citizen, you have to be 18 years old or older and you must have had live in Alberta for at least 6 moths or more. 


Red Deer-North                                         Red Deer-South              
AP- Krystal Kromm                             AP- Serge Gingras
LIB/GRN- Michael Dawe                      GRN- Ben Dubois      
NDP- Kim Schreiner                             LIB Deborah Checkel     
PC- Christine Moore                             IND Patti Argent    
WR Buck Buchana                                IND William Berry 
                                                           NDP Barb Miller
Darcy Mykytyshyn
                                                               WR Norman Wiebe

WHAT IS VOTER APATHY? IS IT A PROBLEM?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Voter apathy is when voters decide that they don't really care who wins or loses. Voter apathy is clearly a problem, because lower participation means less privileged citizens, who are already at a disadvantages in terms of political participation. Also ''This is a problem because, lets say there are 10 people who vote and there are 9 parties. One person votes for each party then there is one person left and just votes for the PC's then they win but if more people voted there would be a better chance that a different party would win.''


Alberta election 2015 results

After a hard day of voting and counting votes, finally Alberta has a new Premier. Rachel Notley  is Alberta's new Premier. NDP won 53 seat , Wildrose 21 seats, PC took 10 seats, Liberals and Alberta Party got each one only one seat. Wildrose now is NDP's province's official opposition. the NDP got 41 percent of the votes, the Wildrose got 24 percent of the votes, and the PC's were about 28 percent of the votes. This year the voter turnout to be 58.1  percent.

Chart: Alberta 2015 election results       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This is a short video about Rachel Notley speech after she won the elections.                                                          .