Monday, June 22, 2015

Final Blog Post.

A- Aztecs, this is probably one of my best posts, this is about how the Aztecs used to be when they were alive. It also explains how was that they lost everything that they have and also their cultures and technology. The Aztecs were Nahuatl speaking, they used to live in northern and southern of Mexico. They were the most powerful Mesoamerican kingdom of all time. they used to believe in god, they had to kill people to make their gods happy. they also had technology, but different from ours. They had their own ways to make things better and easier to do, like for example their tools were make out of obsidian and chert. they had to two calender's, one was for time keeping and the other one was to keep track of their religious ceremonies and festivals.

This video is a about how the Aztecs used to create their calender's and for what they used them.

B- Better way Alberta, this post is basically about how to make Alberta a better place to be. This post tell about the problems that Alberta has, but a the same time it also shows how Alberta has new ideas to make this province better. In this post, i have some of the ideas that can make Alberta a better place, and also what the government could do to solve the economy problem of Alberta.

This video is about how the Premier of Alberta has made so many mistakes, but he always blames his workers or teacher, nurses and firefighters, but the thing is that because of him Alberta has been cutting services like education and health care.

C- Christopher Columbus, he discovered the new world of the Americas on an expedition assigned by king Ferdinand of Spain 1492, he also led three ships, all of them with different names- the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa maria. when he discovered America, the first thing he saw was a big city with large stone buildings hosing many thousands of people and temples for work ship. The Aztecs treated them like gods, because they thought that he was Quetzalcoatl the most important god in their community, also because they visited the city in Quetzalcoatl's birthday.

This is a picture of Christopher Columbus,
 He was the one who discovered America. 

D-Detroit Tigers vs Baltimore Orioles, This post is pretty much about a baseball, this game happened in October, 3 2014. We watched this game in social studies class and first we saw that Detroit Tiger was wining the game, but at the end the lost Detroit Tiger 6-7 to Baltimore Orioles. This was also one of the first post we did, so we could know  how to start blogging.
This is the Baltimore Orioles baseball stadium in were they play in .

E- Elections, this post is about Alberta elections 2015, in this post i have the different parties and who is their Leaders, also i have what are they gonna do, if they win the Elections. there is also a part where i have who is running for Red Deer North and who is running for Red Deer South. First the progressive party thought that they were gonna win, because they thought that none of the other parties were ready for the elections and that they would had the majority of the votes. But at the end Rachel Notley won the election with 53 seats

This is the speech of the new primer of Alberta after the elections. She was so happy because thanks to  everyone that supported her now she in the new Primer on Alberta.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Spanish looks westward.

The Spanish were people from Spain that conquer many countries, but before that many other things had happened. In 400s, the Spanish fall of the holly Roman empire. The holy Roman Empire was  a multicultural complex of territories in central Europe. Spain was part of a vast empire. Muslim ruled Spain for a  along time, they also when they had become to Spain, they had reduced the christian-controlled area to a narrow strip along the northern coast. But Spain didn't like this, so they battle against Muslim forces, in the 15th century. During this battle Spain had learn new ways of fighting on the battlefield. When all this ended,Spain had won almost every part of Spain. The only part that was still part of the Muslims was Granada. But in January 2, 1492 Spain had conquer Granada, so from this time Spain was now a christian land.

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish man, who discovered a new place which he called ''new world''. In the age of 19. He landed on Mexico in 1519, Montezuma II send gold and chocolate to the Spanish, but he didn't trust him at all. The only reason why Montezuma II helped them, was because he thought that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl the god of the sun, also because he landed in Quetzalcoatl's birthday.

When Cortes arrived, he only had 500 men's and 11 ships, Cortes took Montezuma hostage and his soldiers raider the community, but Cortes had to left the city because he founded out that the Spanish troop were coming after him, because he disobeying his leader in 1519. In 1521 Hernan Cortes returned to Mexico, but the Aztecs drove them out of the city, but Cortes returned again but this time he returned so he could battle them and take over the city.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Renaissance

What was the Renaissance?

The Renaissance was a period of time when everything changed. This was like a rebirth for everyone, because they lost all of their knowledge, the forgot how to build and they had to start all over again. It was the time when they had to research and find out how their ancestors used to build their buildings and how they did, so it would be a really strong building. They had to start all over again. This spanned from the 14th to the 16th centuries.

Donatello and his statue of David

Donatello was an Italian sculptor. He was one of the greatest Florentine Sculpture before Michelangelo (1475-1564). He was born in Florence, Italy in 1386. One of his most famous sculptures is the fifteenth century the sculpture of David. This sculpture was created in 1408, the sculpture was the first life size nude statue since the ancient times.  His statue was small compared to Michelangelo's statue, David statue represented a heroic figure to the Florentine's who saw him as a symbol of their own struggle against power forces. David's sculpture does not look  victorious but more as a young leader when facing a giant, a bit unsure.


Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473, in Torun Poland. He created his own celestial model of a heliocentric planetary system. Around 1514, he shared his findings in the commentariolus. His second book on the topic, De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium, was banned by the Roman Catholic Church not long after his May 24, 1543 death in Frauenburg,  Poland. In 1500's when everyone thought that the earth was the center of the universe, Nicolas that the sun was the center of the universe and that the planets revolved around the sun. Although his model wasn't completely correct, if formed a strong foundation for future scientists to build on and improve mankind's understanding of the motion of heavenly bodies. Ptolemy used to think that the earth was the center of the earth, but Copernicus felt that Ptolemy's  theory was incorrect. he died more than fifty years before Galileo become the first person to study the skies with a telescope. he also determined that the earth rotates daily on its axis and that the earth''s affected what people saw in the heavens. he did not have tools to prove his theories, but in 1600's astronomers such as Galileo would prove that he was right with his theories. Without his theories we might have not  discovered that the earth is not the center of the universe.



Galileo was born on February 15, 1564, in Pisa, Italy, he was a mathematics professor, who made observations  of nature with long lasting implications  of study of physics. he also invented the telescope and supported Nicolaus Copernicus theory of the solar system. his inventions of the law of motion and improvement of the telescope, helped farther the understanding of the world and the universe.He created a simple thermometer that could register variations in temperature but did not make any money off of it. In 1596, he built a compass used for aiming cannonballs. It was also adapted for civilian use in land surveying.   He made quite a bit of money off of this new invention, and he sold some of the compasses to his students many of which were wealthy members of aristocracy.  But the only reason he invented all of this its because he needed money for his family.

Leonardo Da Vinci 

Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy, he was a painter, architect, inventor and student of all things scientific. He is most known because of his art, two paintings that remain among the world's most famous and admired, Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Though the first actual helicopter wasn't built until the 1940's, it is believed that Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches from the late fifteenth century were the predecessor to the modern day flying machine,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Alberta's Provincial Elections.

Who are the political parties involved and what are their platforms?

There are 9 parties involved in this election, there are 76/87 candidates running for Wildrose Party. Their leader is Brian Jean, Wildrose is a conservative provincial political party in Alberta, the wild rose is Alberta's provincial flower.They don't believe in taxes, they wanna end corporate welfare, so no one pays taxes anymore.

Progressive Conservatives, there are 87/87 candidates 
running for them. Their leader is Jim Prentice, their platform is have low taxes plan to protect and create jobs for everyone, to eliminate the deficit by the 2014 to 2015 fiscal year cutting transfer payments to individuals or to the province and to keep Canada's streets and neighborhoods safe.


Liberals, there are 15/87 candidates running for them. Their leader is David Swann, their platform is more ESL founding and services, he thinks that new people coming from another country need to speak the language and with this they are going to have that opportunity of learn English, Foreign credentials, faster pathways for citizens and job skill training, career development, this will help Canadians to receive education and work experience.


New Democratic, there are 87/ 87 candidates  running  for them. Their leader is Rachel Notley, their platform is to create more health care for everyone, job creation, renewable energy and investments in infrastructure.

Alberta Party, there are 36/87 candidates running for them. Their leader is Greg Clark, their platform is to have a better and stronger healthcare, better education, better jobs that will make easier to start and grow business, provide stable and predictable founding for municipalities and social services.

Green Party, there are 24/87 candidates running for them.Their leader is Janet Keeping, their platform is to have ecological wisdom, non violence, participatory democrats, respect for diversity, for example, racial, linguistic, ethnic, sexual, religious and spiritual. Social justice and sustainability.

Social Credits, there are 6/87 candidates running for them. Their leader is  Len Skowronski, their platform is to establish responsible and effective democratic government in Alberta, to oppose any attempt to spread or implant the seeds of racial discrimination, class hatred or religious intolerance in Alberta, to obtain the economy security of resources in Alberta, to secure freedom from oppressive and taxation,  to advance and promote the attainment of a humanitarian society within the framework of a realistic and responsible free economy.

Communist Party, there are 2 candidates running for them. Their leader is Naomi Rankin, their platform is to create jobs, raise wages and income, progressive tax reform, invest in quality public services, like for example, health, education, childcare, sports, culture and recreation. A new financial deal for citizens, enhance food security, public ownership and democratic control of energy, settlement of aboriginal land claims, equality rights for all and straighten labor and democratic rights

Alberta First Party, they only have one candidate running for them. Their leader is Bart Hampton, their platform is to protect the services we need  by  reducing our dependence on oil and gas royalties, build schools protect our teachers and reduce class size, investment in health care to improve service and reduce cost, strengthen energy industry through environment leadership, eliminate child poverty in Alberta.

What is the Alberta Legislature

A member of the legislative assembly is where people from another parties and the government gather together in this building so they can make decisions about Alberta. This building is located in Edmonton, Alberta. The  Alberta Legislature Assembly consist in 87 members. To be a member of the Legislature Assembly, you must have to be a Canadian citizen, you have to be 18 years old or older and you must have had live in Alberta for at least 6 moths or more. 


Red Deer-North                                         Red Deer-South              
AP- Krystal Kromm                             AP- Serge Gingras
LIB/GRN- Michael Dawe                      GRN- Ben Dubois      
NDP- Kim Schreiner                             LIB Deborah Checkel     
PC- Christine Moore                             IND Patti Argent    
WR Buck Buchana                                IND William Berry 
                                                           NDP Barb Miller
Darcy Mykytyshyn
                                                               WR Norman Wiebe

WHAT IS VOTER APATHY? IS IT A PROBLEM?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Voter apathy is when voters decide that they don't really care who wins or loses. Voter apathy is clearly a problem, because lower participation means less privileged citizens, who are already at a disadvantages in terms of political participation. Also ''This is a problem because, lets say there are 10 people who vote and there are 9 parties. One person votes for each party then there is one person left and just votes for the PC's then they win but if more people voted there would be a better chance that a different party would win.''


Alberta election 2015 results

After a hard day of voting and counting votes, finally Alberta has a new Premier. Rachel Notley  is Alberta's new Premier. NDP won 53 seat , Wildrose 21 seats, PC took 10 seats, Liberals and Alberta Party got each one only one seat. Wildrose now is NDP's province's official opposition. the NDP got 41 percent of the votes, the Wildrose got 24 percent of the votes, and the PC's were about 28 percent of the votes. This year the voter turnout to be 58.1  percent.

Chart: Alberta 2015 election results       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This is a short video about Rachel Notley speech after she won the elections.                                                          .