Friday, June 19, 2015

Spanish looks westward.

The Spanish were people from Spain that conquer many countries, but before that many other things had happened. In 400s, the Spanish fall of the holly Roman empire. The holy Roman Empire was  a multicultural complex of territories in central Europe. Spain was part of a vast empire. Muslim ruled Spain for a  along time, they also when they had become to Spain, they had reduced the christian-controlled area to a narrow strip along the northern coast. But Spain didn't like this, so they battle against Muslim forces, in the 15th century. During this battle Spain had learn new ways of fighting on the battlefield. When all this ended,Spain had won almost every part of Spain. The only part that was still part of the Muslims was Granada. But in January 2, 1492 Spain had conquer Granada, so from this time Spain was now a christian land.

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish man, who discovered a new place which he called ''new world''. In the age of 19. He landed on Mexico in 1519, Montezuma II send gold and chocolate to the Spanish, but he didn't trust him at all. The only reason why Montezuma II helped them, was because he thought that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl the god of the sun, also because he landed in Quetzalcoatl's birthday.

When Cortes arrived, he only had 500 men's and 11 ships, Cortes took Montezuma hostage and his soldiers raider the community, but Cortes had to left the city because he founded out that the Spanish troop were coming after him, because he disobeying his leader in 1519. In 1521 Hernan Cortes returned to Mexico, but the Aztecs drove them out of the city, but Cortes returned again but this time he returned so he could battle them and take over the city.

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