Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March self Assessment


I think that my work habits are excellent, because I finish my work on time, or if I don't, I do it at home or at literacy time.  I think that I'm doing a pretty good job in my blog and also I listen when my teacher is explaining something and i work really hard to get everything done. I sit beside heather , Naheed, Mahtab, Anji and Fuko. They are really good company, they help me when I'm stuck in something or when I just don't understand what I'm suppose to do.


I think that my reading and writing skills are Meting expectations, because I'm really good writing but sometimes I get confuse and I just can't do what I'm suppose to do, that's why  I ask my friend for help.And for reading I think I'm doing pretty good, I can understand what I'm reading, but sometime I don't understand some words, what I do to resolve this problem is that I search the word on Google.

 I think Who were the Aztecs  was  my best post, because I had a lot of ideas and also I knew pretty well what was I doing, also I founded information that helped me with my post.

I think my thinking skills are excellent, because I have really good ideas for my posts, I have to think about how make sentences make sense and also how to make people understand what I'm trying to say. Also I always try to answer questions as well as I can  so they make sense. But is not always really easy, because sometime I just don't have anything on my mind, that I just can't think about something.


When it comes to searching information I'm pretty good at it, because I know where to find information that I need, I also know how to put it in my own words, and I think almost all of my posts have really good information. One example of this is my inequality for all,, it has really good information and a lot of details on it,  I think this is one of my best posts.

I think i had improve a lot in my writing skills, reading and finding information, that's why I think my final grade would be an A.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Better Way For Alberta.

What is the better way for Alberta?

Alberta has some trouble in it's economy, but the government founded a better way to resolve this problem.
They had some ideas of how to make more money and this is what they came with: Replace the flat tax with a progressive income tax, this helps will help to make $1.5 and $2 billions every year for education and health care.
Increasing taxes on corporate profits
corporations in Alberta will have to pay 10% of taxes  every year, and corporate profits will pay 15%
sot his will help to make 2 to 3 billions of dollars each year. This will help to pay for public services and public infrastructure.
Increasing oil royalties.
This is really helpful because big industries of oil are paying a small percent of money to the government, but with this they are going to pay more money and the taxes are going to increase for them.
Health care premiums
The government has thought they should pay the healthcare for everyone.
Sale taxes
This will helps to pay public services, that's why they are generated this by progressive tax on income and corporate profits.
I think that with all of this, Alberta will totally be a better place to live.

What is the scapegoats?
This is some information that i founded in Heather's blog.
Scapegoats are a person or group made to bear the blame from others or to suffer in their place. Prentice often blames the OPEC (OPEC is a cartel that aims to manage the supply of oil in an effort to set the price of oil on the world market, in order to avoid fluctuations that might affect the economies of both producing and purchasing countries.)for the falling oil prices. While OPEC's are an easy scapegoat many people know.
   The real culprit is the Alberta Government they have consistently lowered the taxes and now we have less money. With little money the government has to cut funding and then there are less schools and less hospitals.  The government should change the tax system to a progressive tax instead of a flat tax. Because then the rich would have to pay more taxes which means the government would have more money.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why do we wear pink?

We were pink because Bullying is a problem in our schools and every were we go. This is a way to help people to stand up against  bullies and step in when we see its happening. This event was created by David Shepherd and Travis Prince 2007 in Nova Scotia. they  had an idea of wearing pink shirts to  help a grade 9 guy that had being bullied, because he was wearing a pink shirt the first day of school. So they decide it that the next day, they were gonna wear pink shirt to stand up against the bullying.

The bully is the person that creates the violence or bullies the victim. They think that bullying someone else feels right and that it's okay.But it's not.
The victim is the one that receives the bad treatment from the bully, they are the ones that have to support every single thing that the bully do to them, because they don't do anything about it. Sometimes the victim take away their life because they think that they don't fit in this world, and that no one cares about them anymore.
The bystander is someone that sees or knows about bullying or some kind of violence to someone else.The bystander can helps to solve the problem or just walk away thinking that it's not their fault and that they are not the ones bullying that person.

This is some of what i learned in Heather's blog.

   But there is still the sad part about pink shirt day. Many people who participate by wearing a pink shirt don't actually stand up to a bully. Some times it is because they are scared that they will start a fight (and nobody wants that). Or they could care less about what happens to someone. But no matter you need to stand up for the kids who feel as if they have no voice. Okay so in a "bulling" scene there is a bully, bullied (or victim) and a bystander. The bully is the one obviously being mean and consistently hurting someone. The bullied we all should know is the person getting beat up. Most of us know what those two are but the bystander most people are like "who is that". Well the bystander is the person standing off to the side mostly watching. The definition is a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part. Strangely the bystander has the most power, he/she has the power to stand up for the victim. Some people ask "why should I stand up for them they aren't my friend?". Well would you like if someone was bullying you and people just watched. Most likely not. So help someone who is getting picked on.

Government's Priorities

  • What are your thoughts about Genia Leskiw's interview?
While i was watching the interview of Genia Leskiw, i could tell that she was lying because she had trouble talking or maybe she just made up everything she said, also when they asked her what did she meant when she say that the advocated's office didn't sharp their pencils as well as they could, she had trouble answering that question, and she stop for a moment to think about it but she didn't had an idea of what she could answer that's why she didn't answer. She also was a little nervous. 

  • What are your thoughts about how the Government makes priorities?
I found this information in Reno's blog.

 Governments priorities

Recently the government payed to have an golf course repaired that costed 18 million dollars in repairs from flooding. All they would have to pay $27500 to have children s deaths investigated. The other shocking thing is that the repairs will almost certainly not last, and the golf course will probably be destroyed next time high waters come. I feel it would be a way better investment if they put it into the child's death investigation.