Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March self Assessment


I think that my work habits are excellent, because I finish my work on time, or if I don't, I do it at home or at literacy time.  I think that I'm doing a pretty good job in my blog and also I listen when my teacher is explaining something and i work really hard to get everything done. I sit beside heather , Naheed, Mahtab, Anji and Fuko. They are really good company, they help me when I'm stuck in something or when I just don't understand what I'm suppose to do.


I think that my reading and writing skills are Meting expectations, because I'm really good writing but sometimes I get confuse and I just can't do what I'm suppose to do, that's why  I ask my friend for help.And for reading I think I'm doing pretty good, I can understand what I'm reading, but sometime I don't understand some words, what I do to resolve this problem is that I search the word on Google.

 I think Who were the Aztecs  was  my best post, because I had a lot of ideas and also I knew pretty well what was I doing, also I founded information that helped me with my post.

I think my thinking skills are excellent, because I have really good ideas for my posts, I have to think about how make sentences make sense and also how to make people understand what I'm trying to say. Also I always try to answer questions as well as I can  so they make sense. But is not always really easy, because sometime I just don't have anything on my mind, that I just can't think about something.


When it comes to searching information I'm pretty good at it, because I know where to find information that I need, I also know how to put it in my own words, and I think almost all of my posts have really good information. One example of this is my inequality for all,, it has really good information and a lot of details on it,  I think this is one of my best posts.

I think i had improve a lot in my writing skills, reading and finding information, that's why I think my final grade would be an A.

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