Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Suma Girl Rising

Suma is one of the girl rising she is 22 years old , she is from Nepal and she loves to write songs.
 Suma’s is one of the film’s 9 remarkable stories. Though her brothers went to school, she was forced into bonded labour at age 6, like many other Nepali girlsWhen Suma was only nine years old, extreme poverty forced her family to “sell” her labour to their landlord as part of a share cropping arrangement. For years, Suma slept in a goat shed and ate scraps from her master’s plate, spending long days and nights doing housework and chores.In 2007, after six years of servitude, Suma was rescued by Sita Tharu, then she was free to do everything that she wants to do. In 7th grade at the age of 16. Through the program Suma receives mentor ship, life skills training and academic support to help her succeed in school and navigate the challenges that lie ahead. With this she had a confidence to confront her parents and help another girls in Nepal.Now she is educated and she is trying to make better things for the girls in Nepal.


  1. Great Job Its sad to hear that Suma was forced into bonded labor at the age of six;(. Also it is great that Suma was rescued by Sita Tharu and that she helped provide Suma with variety of services to help her build a new life.
    {p.s nice job using big words}

    1. thanks and thanks for say {p.s nice job using big words}

  2. Andrea, this is a great start on your post on Suma.

    I have lots of feedback for you but I will limit this comment to one piece of feedback:

    Some of your post is copied and pasted from other websites. I would like you to paraphrase this copied/pasted text into your own words. Sometimes the best way to paraphrase is to read the copied text until you understand it, hide it, and write down what you understand in your own words.

    This isn't easy, but it is a critical change you need to make so that you learn how to write.

    1. i actually i didn't copied this i just try to put some of the things they have on it but the rest i did it on my own.

  3. Andrea, can you please modify your comment settings and turn off the word verification? Thanks!

  4. I really like your first draft but don't forget to put in a meme.
