Monday, September 22, 2014

Rising girls

We are watching this movie in our class. This is an important video to watch because some kids cant go to school and i think that every kid in the world has to have an education and  for that they have to go to school. Every child has the right to go to school, they have the right to go and learn but some kids does not have opportunities to go to school. It also shows us that there are children who want to be taught and want to be educated but are treated like animals. All humans are the same and the should be treated as the same, All girls are pretty smart and they should have the opportunity to go to school and learn.


  1. Awesome job, my favorite sentence is "It also shows us that there are children who want to be taught and want to be educated but are treated like animals." Keep up the good work.

  2. Andrea, This is done very well and I think you are correct about human equality. People should all be treated the same.


  3. I love your blog Andrea! :)

  4. Andrea, why do you think education is so important? What should we do when we know that some people are treated so poorly?

    1. well i think school is important because without education you never gonna have a good job and your life is gonna be different if you don't have an education,we should help them with whatever we can do and try to change the way they are treated

    2. Many people say that the purpose of education is to get a job and make money. Is that it? Is that the sole purpose of education? Or are there any other reasons why we should get an education?

  5. Andrea, can you modify your comment settings and turn off word verification? Thanks
