Friday, October 31, 2014

How does Halloween exist?
Find out . CLICK HERE

I really like this picture because i like their  customs and also because its Halloween and i found interesting how our customs are really different from how it used to be in 1960.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ottawa shooting October 22,2014

Today we were talking about Ottawa shooting this event happen today October 22 2014 at 10:00 a.m at Canada's National War Memorial in Ottawa. A men with a gun entered to the Canada's National War Memorial and shoot a Canadian soldier also there were another three victims treated at Ottawa hospital security zone.the soldier died when he was at the hospital. The police said that he was trying to grab the gunman's weapon but the gunman shoot the soldier.

When this happened the police said that they received allot of call from people saying that they heard a shoot at Canada's National War Memorial in Ottawa,also they said that the soldier died hours later when he was in the hospital. see videos..

Later they confirm that the gunman was shoot dead inside the building felled by the house of commons sergeant at arms and RCMP. The CBC said that the dead shooting men inside  the building named was Michael Zehaf Bibeau he is a Canadian born in 1982 also they said that Michael had a criminal record in Quebec dating back 10 years ago. Also he had another criminal record in B.C. were he was convicted in 2012 of uttering treats and served one day in jail.
An RCMP intervention team secures an entrance to Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Wednesday.

Jason Kenney ن         @kenneyjason
Condolences to family of the soldier killed, & prayers for the Parliamentary guard wounded. Canada will not be terrorized or intimidated.

A photo taken by a tourist of Michael Zehaf Bibeau, taken at the site of the National War Memorial shooting.
This is the shooing man named MichaeZehaf Bibeau.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Today we were talking about how to created a sentence with a subject with a predicate and with a complete thought. Sentences need a subject because it needs to be about something or someone, it needs a predicate because a sentence needs to have a action verb that tells something about the subject, and also has to make sense, so that means that when you read it you can understand what its talking about. EX- When I get home, I do my homework.

Also we learn about independent clauses, dependent clauses, simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound-complex sentences. Independent clause it can understand what they are trying to say because it has a subject and expresses a complete thought. Dependent clause doesn't stand alone because it doesn't have a subject or a predicate and it doesn't have a complete thought.

Simple sentence its made of and independent clause, a compound sentence its made of two or more independent clauses and a comma and a linking word. The ones that i really don't understand is the complex sentence and the compound complex sentence because it so different from the other types of sentences that we had  learned.

This are some examples of some of the sentences-

Independent Clauses- My mom cooked a cake.

Dependent Clauses- While I was at school....

Simple Sentence- The girl ran to the school.

Compound Sentence-  The boy was running to school, so he wouldn't be late for class.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Canada going to war against ISIS Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Today i was reading about Canada going to war against ISIS, and I found that last Canada's House of Commons has green lit in a 157-134 vote on Tuesday night its participation to go into war versus ISIS. The Prime Minister Stephen Harper, said that CF-18 fighters will be deployed carrying out bombing raids in Iraq, and possibly Syria. The USA is carrying out bombing missions in Syria.

 Canada is definitely going to war against Iraq, the house of commons stands poised to approve a motion that would deploy six fighter-bombers, two CP-140 surveillance planes and one refuelling aircraft for coalitions air strikes in Iraq for more than six months.

Is Canada Fighting an Imperialist War in Afghanistan?
Canada plans to send surveillance aircraft tanks as part of the mission, which until know Canada had just involved non combat Canadian military divisors. In speech at a conference they had said that Trudeau agreed that this country must play the role in the battle against ISIS, but, they said that Stephen Harper has not yet explained why a combat mission involving CF-18 fighters bombers should be part of the Canadian response to the crisis, Trudeau accused that the prime minister is playing politics, because he doesn't want to answer questions and I think that the Trudeau is right because why the Prime Minister hides and doesn't want to answer questions and why he send a combat mission, and 18 fighters bombers to Iraq without any authorization. Also I think that Canada getting involved is that war would be a bad decision because if the USA is already involved, why should Canada  be involved in this too. see more...
A Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornet connects to the basket of a RCAF CC-130T Hercules to refuel just off the coast of Hawaii during the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise 2014 on July 14.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Book Fair

Today when I was in the school book fair, I  found a really interesting book about a girl who is immortal, she is a witch, she died when she was young and now that she lives she gets back to a new school knowing that she has been graduated long ago. She knows everything from many years ago because she has been living for a long time , and there is a girl named Emma that need her help and she  will help her in her problem because Emma's stepsister is conniving to the core.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Monday, October 6, 2014

Detroit Tigers vs Baltimore Orioles

Today we were watching the Detroit Tigers play the Baltimore Orioles and when we start to watch it and the Baltimore orioles score first with 2 points then Detroit Tigers score 5 and  they score as letting the Baltimore Orioles win 7-6 making the Detroit Tiger losing the game.

Detroit Tiger thought that the had the game win because at almost the end the score was 6-3 but the Baltimore Orioles at the last time the score change to 7-6 and the Baltimore orioles won the game.our teacher MR.Bower was so upset because the Detroit Tigers lose the game when they confront Baltimore Orioles he is a fanatic of Detroit Tigers and with this lost he might be so upset. Box score. .

Top 10 players of Detroit Tiger.

1. 37 Mark Scherzer. (pitcher)                                       Find Baltimore Orioles players. Click here
                                                                                           Baltimore Orioles  players.
This is the Baltimore Orioles baseball stadium in were they play in . 
2. 33 Drew Smyly. (pitcher)

3 .50 Jacob Turner. (pitcher)

4. 46 Jose Valverde (pitcher)
5. 13 Alex Avila   (catcher)

6. 18 Omir Santos  (catcher)
This is the Detroit Tigers baseball stadium were they play in.
 7. 15 Brandon Inge (infielders)

8. 39 Ramon Santiago (infielders)

9. 21 Delmon Young (outfielders)

10. 38 Mattew Young (outfielders)  

More players.