Monday, October 27, 2014

Ottawa shooting October 22,2014

Today we were talking about Ottawa shooting this event happen today October 22 2014 at 10:00 a.m at Canada's National War Memorial in Ottawa. A men with a gun entered to the Canada's National War Memorial and shoot a Canadian soldier also there were another three victims treated at Ottawa hospital security zone.the soldier died when he was at the hospital. The police said that he was trying to grab the gunman's weapon but the gunman shoot the soldier.

When this happened the police said that they received allot of call from people saying that they heard a shoot at Canada's National War Memorial in Ottawa,also they said that the soldier died hours later when he was in the hospital. see videos..

Later they confirm that the gunman was shoot dead inside the building felled by the house of commons sergeant at arms and RCMP. The CBC said that the dead shooting men inside  the building named was Michael Zehaf Bibeau he is a Canadian born in 1982 also they said that Michael had a criminal record in Quebec dating back 10 years ago. Also he had another criminal record in B.C. were he was convicted in 2012 of uttering treats and served one day in jail.
An RCMP intervention team secures an entrance to Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Wednesday.

Jason Kenney ن         @kenneyjason
Condolences to family of the soldier killed, & prayers for the Parliamentary guard wounded. Canada will not be terrorized or intimidated.

A photo taken by a tourist of Michael Zehaf Bibeau, taken at the site of the National War Memorial shooting.
This is the shooing man named MichaeZehaf Bibeau.


  1. This has to be my favorite post by far. I think you did an amazing job. Also i love how you presented it. Its a terrible thing what happened. Ps I love your cover photo!:)

  2. thanks megan i really appreciate that and i know that was actually a terrible thing.
