Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Today we were talking about how to created a sentence with a subject with a predicate and with a complete thought. Sentences need a subject because it needs to be about something or someone, it needs a predicate because a sentence needs to have a action verb that tells something about the subject, and also has to make sense, so that means that when you read it you can understand what its talking about. EX- When I get home, I do my homework.

Also we learn about independent clauses, dependent clauses, simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound-complex sentences. Independent clause it can understand what they are trying to say because it has a subject and expresses a complete thought. Dependent clause doesn't stand alone because it doesn't have a subject or a predicate and it doesn't have a complete thought.

Simple sentence its made of and independent clause, a compound sentence its made of two or more independent clauses and a comma and a linking word. The ones that i really don't understand is the complex sentence and the compound complex sentence because it so different from the other types of sentences that we had  learned.

This are some examples of some of the sentences-

Independent Clauses- My mom cooked a cake.

Dependent Clauses- While I was at school....

Simple Sentence- The girl ran to the school.

Compound Sentence-  The boy was running to school, so he wouldn't be late for class.

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