Wednesday, November 26, 2014

December report card self assessment.


In social studies we are learning about what is happening around the world and also how to improve our writing skills, also how to blog and how to use it. Blogging helps us to improve our writing skills because if we have something that it doesn't make sense people that read our blog can helps and tell us how to fix it or were are we wrong, also we are learning how to create different types of sentences. Mr Bower is a pretty good teacher and he helps allot. Also he let us sit beside a friend but if we talked is because we are gonna ask something about what are we doing  or help the person beside us with their work. He let us sit beside friend because he wants us to communicate with the people that are sitting around the table, and ask them what we don't understand, because sometimes  we don't know how to do the work that he assigned to us, and sometimes the person sitting beside you might know so if we ask they might help.

The thing that I like the most is when we talk about what happens in the world for when we talked about the economy in the USA or when we talked about remembrance day or staff like that. Also I like when he teach us how to create sentences and how to fix what we write in our blog so people that read it, they understand what we are trying to say.


In my woks habits i think in meeting expectations, because I think i'm doing a good job, but not  excellent because sometimes I need more work in my writing and how to express what i'm thinking, because i'm not really good expressing my thoughts, but i think that my work is not so bad and i might not express pretty good what I think, but I know that when I write something in my blog, people that read my blog understand what in trying to said and also they like my links and  the pictures that I put on my posts. The people that sit beside me is Heather Harke,  Naheed Parsa,  Mahtab Mohammad, and Anji Yakusheva.


In communication i think i'm meeting expectations, because i ask when i have questions and i help people when they need help, also i talk with the people sitting around the table were i sit and with other students sitting in another tables, i ask my teacher when i need help, or when i'm done and i need him to check my work.

When i'm searching of something i first read the information of the pages and then if i see something that i think is really interesting and then i link it to my post and when i'm watching a video or documentary i really like to watch it 2 times, because watching it 2 time helps me know what i'm gonna write about.

This is one of my favorite posts Halloween in 1960's I like this post because Halloween is my favorite part of the year, and watching this picture is really nice to see how different it used to be Halloween  in 1960's and how is Halloween now.


In social studies I would like no know about what is happening around the world and also about the history of Canada and what I want to improve is in how to express my thought about what we are learning.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, I agree with most of the self-assessment. Your work habits are excellent.
