Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Inequality for all

What is happening with the distribution of wealth?

The distribution of wealth is being a big problem in the whole world, the distribution of the money between people is unequal. The wealthy people are getting more wealthy, the middle class are getting poor, and the poor people are having so much trouble with getting money and food and a place to live. Also they are getting trouble paying taxes to the government. Also they have to pay another stuff that they need in the house. This has been a big problem for poor people.

Why is this happening?

This is happening because the government is being unequal with rich people and poor people, the rich and the wealthy people are paying a low percent of taxes, but the poor and the middle people have to pay a high percent of taxes to the government.

Now the poor and the middle class  have to work way harder than how they use to work, so they can make more money or just to have some food on the table. The education of the poor and the middle class is getting less and less, this people are now less educated and this is make in it harder for them to find a job without being educated. The only people that are educated are the wealthy people


Is this a problem?

This is a big problem because some families can't afford  to much money and they have to borrow the money from another person, or from the government, and some times they can't pay it and they loss part of what they have like for example their houses, or cars, or jewelry and that could be dangerous for them because they don't have enough money to buy another one, this is called debt . The wealthy gap is  the distribution of money between the poor and wealthy, this is being  unequally and this is affecting the notions of equality, equity of outcome, and equality of opportunity. Now the plutocracy is dominated by a small group of the wealthiest citizens.

Virtuous cycle vs vicious cycle

Virtuous cycle is good things happening and each having a positive effect, like for example,
a fair distribution of money between people, education for everyone, same opportunity of work, the growth, low prices. Virtuous cycle has a favorable results, but Vicious cycle has a detrimental results like less distribution of money between people, less opportunity of education, less opportunity of work, and high prices. In vicious cycle people waste their money faster because of the high prices and also they have to work more, so they have enough money to buy what they need.


Lobbyists is a person hired by a business or a cause to persuade legislators to support that business or cause. They are paid to influence policy-markers at the local, state and federal levels. They represent special interests in the decision-making process in the legislative and executive branches  of government. lobbyists play an important role in American politics.


I found this information in Anji's link. Democracy is the freedom to elect our own dictators and i don't think we need dictators to help our world. i think that that if many people got together, they can make their own decision and cooperate with each other more.  A lot of people say that democracy is like freedom, because they can vote for who they want to win, but i personally disagree, because freedom does not represent voting for someone to dictate and make decisions for us. we as humans beings should learn to make our own decisions, because it's an important life skill to have . we need to start with having connections with people to change the problem.



Debt is when you borrow money from another person, or a bank. This is what some poor people do to get money when they don't have enough to pay something, but the thing is that they borrow to much money and when is time to pay all the money they borrow from  another bank, or they ask a friend for the money. They do this all over and over again until they don't find a way to resolve this, and some people kill themselves because they have trouble paying the money they borrow, this is what happen to Sandra Harris. She was a worker in the university of North Carolina Wilmington, she was also honored as employed of the year. Her husband had lost his job as a chef, so they had to live with Sandra's work but the thing is that it wasn't enough. Sandra had and idea of payday loan, that means that she could borrow money and pay it later with some fees on. She did that for a long time but she start to borrow bigger amounts of money, and she couldn't pay so her car was repossessed and she ended owing thousand of dollars.  

This is a video about Canada's economy, people think that every one has money and lives well. The thing is that life in Canada it's getting worst. Thousand of people are losing their works, middle class is getting poorer and poor people is just losing everything they have. This is because of the distribution of wealth, this is something that should not happen, because every one need jobs and money to live. The rich people are the only ones that can have a good job or a good life without doing nothing, and the people that work hard they are still having trouble making money and having a place and food to live.


  1. Andrea you have lots of information but you might want to whisper you post to your self to see if it sounds right because i found some awkward sentences and you might want to down size your pictures they are kinda big. And you should go to because you forgot some of the things that were required.

  2. Andrea, this is a good first draft of your Inequality for All post, but I think that you should re-read your post, because there are sentences that are confusing.
