Friday, November 21, 2014

For richer for poor

This video is called For Richer For Poorer this video is about the difference between rich people and poor people. This video explains how rich people schools are different from poor people schools and also the different type of living houses, like a house of a rich person cost more than 2 millions of dollars and a house of a poor person cost is 40 thousand dollars. Calgary is the place in Canada with so much  difference between poor people and rich people.

This is a trailer that explains how the economy and the equality in USA has changed every year. Now the equality is now  unequal and no one is doing anything to change this. The USA is loosing the equality and is being more inequality with their people.

This video explains the difference of how people think the economy of USA is, and how is the reality. People think that every person has almost the same amount, but the reality is that the poor people don't have enough money, and the wealthy people have almost the half of the money of the USA, also  the middle class is almost getting poor.

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